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Web & App development

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Web & App audit, Q/A testing

Web & App audit is reviewing the codebase and checking if there are any mistakes made. To make sure it runs smoothly and fixes any bugs. As for Q/A testing; it is testing the final product as a user and locating the bugs and issues that the customer might face. And reporting it back to the developer to fix it.


Hybrid Apps

A hybrid app is essentially a web app. It is created like a web app but utilizes some of the features the device was installed in. like using cameras or push notification. They are usually coded using JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS and they can be installed using the device app store.

Front-end-development & Back-end-development

Front-end-development is creating the interface for users to interact with your web page or app. They use JavaScript, HTML and CSS to create the interface, and this is the part of the development phase that creates the customer perception toward your product or service. On the other hand, back-end-development is the creation of the invisible structure that makes the app or web page function. They work with servers to make sure the web or app works smoothly, also they work with the database. They use coding Language like, JAVA, Ruby on Rails (ROR), Python and PHP.


UI & UX Design

The terminology of UI & UX design comes to mind as one thing. However, they are two different things. UX stands for User Experience design, which is what the customers feels like when interacting with your product or service. As for UI, it means User Interface design. It is the screen and all the clickable buttons and actions the customer can take. Those two are important to create an easy to use & enjoyable product. Identifying the needs of your customer helps you create a better UX design. Creating a functional product is great but making them enjoy the journey is different. As for the UI design, it focuses on one aspect of the user experience which is creating the look and the behavior of your product.


Motion Design and Animation

It is the creation of graphics and moving them to tell a story and achieve a certain goal. They are placed in sequence to create the illusion of the moving object. There are three types of motion graphics video. Promotional video, where you sell a certain product or service. Then we have the explainer video, where you define or explain your product or service and finally; the emotive video, which focuses on your clients and users' feelings.