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Importance of Call Centers
Importance of IVR Services

The term FCR is extremely popular in call center companies which means “First call resolution,” this metric is especially important in measuring the success rate of calls in general and the better it is, the more likely the customer will be satisfied with the call. One of the services that helped in increasing the success rate of FCR in the call center industry is the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service or automated calls. This service provided many benefits including time management, cost but most importantly is the quality of the call & it has resulted, because through IVR; the customer will eventually speak to a specialized agent that can handle this customer’s request and will be less likely to be transferred to another call.

Why is Digital Marketing Important?
Training & Development
Operation Planning

Operations management is the heart of any organization and here is why. It oversees the complete operating system of an organization, it is essential for organizations to manage their daily activities effectively and efficiently, operations management controls all the processes and handles issues including design, operation, maintenance, and improvement of the system, it also maintains smooth, effective, timely production of products and services even when unexpected situations arise. Operations management ensures that products meet the quality standards and customers’ expectations. Thus, satisfied customers will be more likely to buy again and will also refer their friends to do so; and that improves the brand value, giving a competitive edge in the market.

IT Solutions (Knowledge Base)